Study Shows Link Between Traffic Noise and Tinnitus
Tinnitus is a common problem, affecting approximately 15 to 20% of people. It presents as a buzzing, clicking or ringing noise in one or both ears. Though its severity varies, it can lead to increased stress, fatigue, anxiety, headaches and other problems. Though it can come from multiple underlying conditions, knowing the risk factors for…
Is It Tinnitus or TMJ Disorder?
Two conditions that are sometimes confused with one another are tinnitus and TMJ disorder. This is because both are associated with sounds, oftentimes clicking or popping, in the ears. In this post, we review what the conditions are, how to tell the difference between them and how to find relief. What Is Tinnitus? Tinnitus is…
What Is Sensorineural Hearing Loss?
You might assume that all hearing loss is the same. However, there are actually different types. Let’s take a closer look at the most common kind, sensorineural hearing loss. Sensorineural Hearing Loss is The Most Common Type of Hearing Loss The National Library of Medicine states that “Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is the most common…
Introducing Our New Name: Nelson Hearing Clinics!
We are excited to tell you about an important change taking place within our clinics. We are consolidating our five clinics under one unified name: Nelson Hearing Clinics! This change is being made to better serve our patients and to inform our communities that we are all connected. The only change you will notice? The…
Metabolic Syndrome Can Increase the Risk of Hearing Loss
According to a 2021 study, there is a link between metabolic syndrome and sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL). In this post, we review what these two conditions are and how they’re connected. What Is Metabolic Syndrome? The term metabolic syndrome describes a cluster of risk factors related to cardiovascular disease, including: Abdominal obesity, which in…
Is There a Link Between Migraines and Hearing Loss?
If you’ve ever gotten a migraine while at work or out with friends at Langer’s Bar & Grill, you know what a pain they can be. Research indicates that having them may also slightly increase your risk of experiencing sudden hearing loss. Let’s take a closer look at the connection between migraines, hearing loss and…
How To Watch TV When Using Hearing Aids
While it’s always great to spend an evening out with friends somewhere like The Marina Lodge, sometimes you want to just spend a cozy night curled up in front of the TV. If you have hearing loss, watching TV, like all activities that require listening, can be more difficult. You may find it harder to…
Is There a Connection Between High Cholesterol and Hearing Loss?
Cholesterol is a lipid that is produced by your liver and found in your blood and cells. It can also be absorbed by eating certain foods. In the correct amount, cholesterol is essential for your body to function. However, too much cholesterol can lead to significant health problems, including hearing loss. What the Research Says…
Does Cold Weather Cause Tinnitus?
We are deep into fall and approaching winter. The days are shorter and colder, and with the change in weather, you may have noticed an increase in your tinnitus. If so, you’re not alone. A study looking at internet search trends for the term tinnitus found that “there are significant seasonal trends for Internet search…
Boo! How to Protect Your Hearing From Loud Noises This Halloween
Halloween is a time for dressing up, trick-or-treating and attending a variety of fun and festive activities. However, it’s important to know that certain events, like a haunted house or Halloween parties, may be loud enough to put you at risk for noise-induced hearing loss. What Is Noise-Induced Hearing Loss? Hearing loss can occur from…