Is There a Link Between Hearing Loss and Lyme Disease?
If you’re a fan of hiking places like Fort Defiance State Park, you probably know to keep an eye out for black-legged ticks, otherwise known as deer ticks, as their bite has the ability to spread Lyme disease. Left untreated, Lyme disease can cause problems ranging from joint pain, severe fatigue, neurological issues and hearing…
Why Does Hearing Loss Often Come With Age?
Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a gradual and progressive type of hearing loss that occurs as people get older. How Many Older Adults Experience Hearing Loss? According to data compiled by the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), nearly 25 percent of those aged 65 to 74 and 50…
What Is Mixed Hearing Loss & How Is It Treated?
What Is Mixed Hearing Loss & How Is It Treated? Hearing loss affects approximately 48 million Americans. Yet despite its prevalence, only about one in five people who could benefit from hearing aids actually wears them. This can have devastating effects on physical and mental health, as left untreated, hearing loss is associated with depression,…
Is It Autism or Hearing Loss?
The best treatment for any disorder or medical condition is contingent on an accurate diagnosis. Due to many overlapping symptoms, children with autism are often misdiagnosed with severe hearing loss or deafness. Being able to recognize the signs of hearing loss and autism spectrum disorder is key to ensuring your child is getting the early intervention they…
Machine Learning Enhances Speech Recognition
Researchers are constantly working to improve hearing aids and make it easier for users to understand sounds and speech in any environment. A recent study out of Germany created a human speech recognition model based on machine learning that produced some exciting results. What is Machine Learning and How Does it Help Hearing Aids? Machine…
Study Finds Unexpected Brain Shrinkage in Patients with Hearing Loss
Previous research has shown a link between hearing loss and an increased risk of dementia. A new study may offer additional insight into the structural brain changes hearing loss may cause. Brain Changes in People with Alzheimer’s and Hearing Loss The study from researchers at The Carle Illinois College of Medicine analyzed data from the…
Habits You Should Quit for Your Hearing Health
You probably already know that old age and noise exposure can contribute to hearing loss. But did you also know that some of your bad habits are linked to hearing loss too? Below we review three habits to quit for your hearing health. Smoking The inner ears rely on oxygen from a healthy supply of…
Hearing Loss Signs for Musicians
If you’re a musician, loud nights at venues like The Marquee are a regular part of life. Unfortunately, too many of these nights without proper protection leaves you at a higher risk of developing hearing loss. A 2017 study examined 125 musicians with at least five years of professional experience and had them undergo audiometric…
What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?
What is Single Sided Deafness? Sometimes referred to as unilateral hearing loss, single sided deafness is a condition in which an individual experiences hearing loss in only one ear but can hear normally out of the other ear. While most patients with a hearing impairment suffer from bilateral (two-sided) hearing loss, SSD affects approximately 60,000…
What is Sudden Hearing Loss?
For most people who experience hearing loss, the condition comes on gradually over a period of years. In rare cases, an abrupt loss of hearing occurs with little or no warning. This condition is known as sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSHL). What is Sudden Deafness? Sudden deafness is an unexplained and rapid hearing loss that…