While it’s always great to spend an evening out with friends somewhere like The Marina Lodge, sometimes you want to just spend a cozy night curled up in front of the TV.
If you have hearing loss, watching TV, like all activities that require listening, can be more difficult. You may find it harder to follow conversations between characters or constantly need to turn up the volume, much to the chagrin of those watching with you.
Thankfully, using hearing aids can improve your TV-watching experience as well as make it more pleasant for those around you.
Three Ways Hearing Aids Can Make It Easier To Listen to TV 
A study published in 2018 compared TV listening difficulties and strategies between people with hearing loss who used hearing aids and those that left their condition untreated. Researchers found that those who used hearing aids reported fewer difficulties watching TV.
In addition to simply just helping you hear better, many hearing aids also come with additional features that can enhance your experience.
- Hearing aid settings. Many hearing aids have the option to switch to different settings which can better suppress background noise and make it easier to focus on the sounds you want to hear. Finding the right settings can make it much easier to follow what’s happening on the screen.
- Bluetooth®. In addition to specialized settings, a lot of newer hearing aids have Bluetooth capabilities. This is a great feature to use when watching TV with others, as the sound can play normally in the room as it is sent to your hearing aids. You also have the ability to adjust the volume easily and discreetly on the corresponding hearing aid app to fit your preferences. This way you can change the volume for yourself while not affecting those around you.
- Telecoil. Another feature found in many hearing aids is telecoil. When switched on, this also lets you stream audio from the TV directly into your hearing aids, minimizing background noise and making it easier to distinguish the sounds onscreen.
Time To Schedule a Hearing Test?
If you’ve noticed that you’re struggling to hear TV shows or are needing others to repeat themselves frequently when they are talking to you, schedule an appointment for a hearing test. The earlier hearing loss can be detected and treated with hearing aids or other assistive listening devices, the easier it will be for you to stay connected to others and help to prevent your hearing problems from getting worse.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact Nelson Hearing Clinics today.