Researchers are constantly working to improve hearing aids and make it easier for users to understand sounds and speech in any environment. A recent study out of Germany created a human speech recognition model based on machine learning that produced some exciting results.
What is Machine Learning and How Does it Help Hearing Aids? 
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that uses data and algorithms to imitate the way humans learn. This type of technology has created hearing aid algorithms that help devices learn and automatically adjust to different settings depending on the degree of noise they pick up in various environments.
Improving Hearing Aid Algorithms
While hearing aid algorithms are used to help improve speech recognition, current evaluation methods to gauge their effectiveness are costly and time-consuming.
To help combat that, researchers in Germany conducted a study using automatic speech recognition (ASR) to calculate how many words per sentence listeners understood.
The study consisted of eight participants with normal hearing and 20 participants with hearing loss who were exposed to a variety of complex noises that mask speech. Researchers separated those with hearing loss into three groups based on the severity of their condition.
Their model was remarkably precise at being able to predict human speech recognition performance across all noise types and for different individual hearing abilities.
Hearing Aids Keep You Connected to the World Around You
As exciting as these new developments in hearing aid technology are, the most important thing you can do for your hearing health is to treat any hearing loss that you may have now.
Because hearing loss can make it difficult to recognize speech or follow conversations, it can have a negative impact on your relationships with others. You may feel frustrated or embarrassed by your struggles to hear, while your loved ones might feel like they aren’t being listened to or that they have to repeat themselves frequently when you have a conversation.
Eventually, your communication struggles may cause you to withdraw from others. You might start to avoid large crowds or stop having dinner with friends at Bean Town Grill because your hearing loss makes it too difficult.
By getting a hearing test and getting treated with hearing aids, you can avoid the social isolation that comes with hearing loss and stay connected to your loved ones.
If you would like to speak with one of our experts or schedule an appointment, call Nelson Hearing Clinics today.