Tips for Dining with Hearing Loss
Living with hearing loss can make enjoyable activities very difficult. You may have difficulty following conversations, especially in venues with lots of background noise, like restaurants. This is why many people with hearing loss experience social withdrawal, which can ultimately lead to depression and even cognitive decline. Below are some tips to help you better…
Noise-Cancelling Headphones Can Save Your Hearing
About 20 percent of the population in Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota has hearing loss to some degree. That’s a lot of Midwesterners struggling to understand (and it’s got nothing to do those accents we are often accused of having). With noise being the biggest contributor, there are steps you can take to protect your…
Separating Hearing Myth from Reality
Hearing loss isn’t rare in the Midwest; about one in five people in Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota suffers from some degree of hearing impairment. Not everybody chooses to seek treatment; in many cases, they have erroneous misconceptions about either their condition or treatment. Sometimes, both. Facts About Hearing Loss 48 million Americans experience hearing…
Finding Relief from Ear Pressure When You’re Sick
Few of us give much thought to colds and flu when summer is still in full swing, but with kids in Iowa and Minnesota heading back to school and the first hints of autumn color starting to appear, it won’t be long before sniffles, sneezes and coughs replace the nightly chorus of crickets. How Illness…
Why Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss is Sometimes Misdiagnosed
Anybody who has experienced a sudden loss of hearing knows how scary the situation can be. Most of the time, hearing loss develops gradually; it may be years before you even notice a decline in your ability to hear! But when the condition happens in a short period of time with no prior warning, you…
Ways to Cope with Hearing Loss & Tinnitus
When you have both hearing loss and tinnitus, it can be very difficult to go about your daily life. Things that other people take for granted are much more challenging, and the side effects can leave you feeling tired, depressed and unable to focus. But don’t despair – we have tips to help you cope….
May is Better Hearing & Speech Month
May brings warmer weather, spring flowers and a focus on one of our most important senses – hearing. It has been designated Better Hearing and Speech Month, an opportunity for doctors in Iowa, Minnesota, South Dakota and nationwide to educate patients about hearing and speech disorders. In 1927, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) designated setting…
How Hearing Loss Impacts Relationships
People with hearing loss often feel isolated and alone, believing they are the only ones affected by their impairment. While it’s natural to feel overwhelmed, your impairment has an impact on many others close to you. Relationships with family and friends are almost always affected – and rarely in a positive manner. Consequences of Untreated…
Which Plays a Bigger Role in Hearing: Your Ears or Your Brain?
When you think of classic duos throughout history, a few essential pairings spring immediately to mind: Lennon and McCartney. Batman and Robin. Peanut butter and jelly. It’s time to add another great combination to that list: your ears and brain. Hearing & The Brain We’re betting most people in Iowa, Minnesota and South Dakota believe…
Not All Pollution is Visible
Midwesterners rarely have to deal with smoggy skylines the way residents on the east and west coasts do, but that doesn’t mean we are immune to pollution. Some types are invisible but can still cause harm. The World Health Organization (WHO) is attempting to raise awareness of noise pollution, a serious global threat that can…